Course Setting Clinic
June 2023
Clare Durand will be teaching a course setting clinic this June. The students in the course setting clinic will help to design and set the Mt. Pinos event for June 25, 2023. The clinic will consist of four sessions.
June 14, 7:00 pm: Online session that covered basics of course design and course planning in Condes. COMPLETED
Sunday, June 18: Field session at Mt. Pinos to cover checking and tagging of control sites and writing control descriptions. COMPLETED
Weds, June 21, 7:00pm: Online session to cover finalizing courses and map layout and creating files for print from Condes. Contact Clare to get the Zoom link.
Sunday, June 25: Control hanging in the morning before event start.
While it is preferable to attend all of the clinic sessions, if your availability makes that impossible, it is ok to attend only part of the clinic. Please make sure that Clare knows to expect you for any sessions you are attending.
Please contact Clare Durand with any questions
LAOC T-Shirts
LAOC standard T-shirts come in a variety of colors. They feature the club logo on the front and our classic club T-shirt design on the back.
T-shirts are $10 and can be purchased through John Phillips.