Annual Youth Meet 2025
February 8, 2025
Kenneth Hahn Recreation Area, Los Angeles
Morning Point-to-Point, Afternoon Score-O

Starts beginning at 10:00am, Score-O starts about 1:30pm, Event ends around 3:30pm
Our annual youth meet is open to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other youth or school groups 6TH GRADE AND UP.
Morning Point-to-Point, Afternoon Score-O
Map and Course Notes
WHITE COURSE (beginners):
Simple trail-based course approximately 1 mile long. Multiple courses may be set to accommodate all of the white classes. Older classes may have a slightly longer course. Youth classes may be combined if registrations are low. Youth classes must run in pairs. Adults may run in groups or alone.
White 12: Restricted to those 12 years old and under.
White 14: Restricted to those 14 years old and under.
White Open: Open to youth of any age.
White Adult: For affiliated leaders and chaperones. Adults may run in teams or alone. Participating adults must preregister and pay the appropriate fees. Adult course results are not counted toward overall group awards. Individual awards will be presented in the adult category.
YELLOW COURSE (intermediate):
A standard Yellow course. Multiple courses may be set to accommodate all of the yellow classes. Recommended for those with experience on white or yellow courses and ready for slightly more challenge. Youth classes may be combined if registrations are low. Youth must run in pairs. Adults may run in teams or alone. Top Yellow runners will earn slightly higher scores toward group awards than on White.
Yellow 14: Restricted to those 14 years old and under.
Yellow Open: Open to youth of any age.
Yellow Adult: For affiliated leaders and chaperones. Adults may run in teams or alone. Participating adults must preregister and pay the appropriate fees. Adult course results are not counted toward overall group awards. Individual awards will be presented in the adult category.
ORANGE COURSE (advanced):
A standard Orange course. Recommended for those with experience on orange and above courses. May involve significant off-trail navigation. Youth must run in pairs. Adults may run in teams or alone. Top Orange runners will earn slightly higher scores toward group awards than on Yellow.
Orange Open: Open to youth of any age
Orange Adult: For affiliated leaders and chaperones. Adults may run in teams or alone. Participating adults must preregister and pay the appropriate fees. Adult course results are not counted toward overall group awards. Individual awards will be presented in the adult category.
Additional Information
This event is being held in cooperation with the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation under a core program partnership agreement.
LAOC is required by our insurance company to obtain a waiver for every participant. For minors, this must be signed by a parent or guardian. Please download our waiver form and bring a signed copy for each participant with you to the event. These will be collected at the packet pick-up table.
Format of Event: Basic course instruction will be available first. The youth will then run in pairs on standard orienteering courses. A variety of courses will be offered for different skill levels. There will be a picnic lunch break (groups must provide their own lunch) followed by an afternoon mass start score-O event. Youth will compete in the same pairs on a scattered course where each control found increases their score. Awards will be given for each course and for an overall group score.
There are to be two youth per team. Each group may have one three-person team to allow for odd numbers. White and Yellow teams must be entered based on the age of the oldest team member. Individual ribbons will be presented to the top 25% of teams in each division for both AM and PM courses (at a minimum the top three teams will earn awards). Group awards will be presented to the top five overall groups. To be eligible for group awards you must have a minimum of 3 teams running in both the AM and PM. Smaller groups may wish to combine to meet this requirement.
After you register you will receive a reporting time between 9:00am and 10:30am. Start times will run from approximately 10:00am to 11:30am. Afternoon Score-O event will be from 1:30pm-2:30pm with map distribution and rules beginning at 1:15pm. Awards ceremony as soon as possible after this. Expect to leave between 3:30pm and 4:00pm.
Each team should have a compass, a watch, and a safety whistle. Groups must provide their own lunch. Lunch break is designed to be about one hour for the late starting groups and can be significantly longer for those with early start times.
The following standard protocols will be in place at this event:
Attendance by Pre-registration only. No day of event registration.
Assigned start times. Registration form asks for your start time preference. Your preference is not guaranteed. The earlier you register, the more likely that you get your preferred start. Teams from the same unit will be spaced apart in the start list.
Bring your own water and snacks. No water will be placed on the course.
Online pre-event beginner clinic information and assigned instruction times. While we will have instructors available to answer questions, we ask that you go over this online information with your group to minimize the amount of time required for instruction.
Please do not attend if you are sick. If you cannot attend you will be mailed your maps and patches at your request.
Volunteer help is always appreciated. Adults who prefer not to run a course but would like to help out will receive a free patch. Contact the meet director prior to the meet date for a volunteer assignment.
Registration and Pricing
FEE: $10.00 for each participating youth or adult.
Fee includes full-color maps, courses, estick rental, site fee, patch, and awards. There will be no refunds, but non-attending groups may arrange to receive their map copies and patches. Electronic punching will be used. There will be a $40 charge for any estick that is not returned at the end of the meet.
Registration is now closed.
All groups must preregister and be prepaid. Walk-ins on the day of the event will be turned away. Teams will be assigned start times for the morning courses based on receipt of registration. Earlier registrations will get preferred start times. On February 6th or 7th you will receive a confirmation showing your start times and expected arrival time. Because of the work involved in assigning start times and preparing materials, late registrations will not be accepted. Changes may be made to troops who are registered. If you are unsure of your numbers it is best to register and then make adjustments later.
If you miss the deadline, can't make it Saturday, or have youth below 6th grade, we recommend the public event on Sunday. Registration for this closes on Thursday, February 6.
Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area
4100 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
Vehicle Entrance Fee $7.00 per car
Race Management

Meet Director: Clare Durand
Course Setter: Rich Hoesly