Bluff Lake, Day 1 2022
Bluff Mesa Group Campground near Big Bear
Saturday, June 25, 2022
With temps in the valley topping triple digits it was great to share the cool mountain breeze with more than 60 orienteers in the beautiful new venue of Bluff lake. Competitors enjoyed a relatively fast running area but with many subtle features, few paths and so many boulders it was a navigation challenge at all levels. Our visitors from Australia showed excellent skills with Melissa Thomas being the fastest at both the red course and the following day's score-o.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Mapping and Course Design - Roland Hansson
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Start - Jeff Laun
Epunch/Finish - Rich Hoesly
Meet Director - Roland Hansson
Also, special thanks to the Troop 509 scouts who designed and set the white and yellow courses for Sunday.
Maps and routes are available at Livelox:
Saturday Middle: https://www.livelox.com/Events/Show/80643/Bluff-Lake-Weekend
Here you can upload your route from a GPS device or you can draw it by hand.
Place Time Name Club COOL
Red (15) 4.9 km 80 m 15 C
1 45:31 Melissa Thomas Bennelong-Aus
2 49:54 Alexander Kiperman LAOC
3 54:54 Richard Pattison Bennelong-Aus
4 1:24:07 Mike Chin LAOC
5 1:42:01 Richard Dekany LAOC
6 1:47:58 Big Bear AR none
7 1:52:00 Ron Sandvick SDO
8 1:53:23 Todd Hook LAOC
9 2:00:58 Bruce Garbaccio LAOC
10 2:20:56 Christopher Ernst LAOC
11 2:21:15 Eugene Kiperman LAOC
12 2:23:21 Sergey Biryukov none
13 2:44:48 Alan Pincus
dnf Jacob Hook LAOC
dnf Kim Pincus LAOC
Green/Brown (10 2.9 km 60 m 10 C
1 55:26 Mikhail Biryukov LAOC
2 55:49 Jim Thompson BAOC
3 1:10:38 Sage Thompson LAOC
4 1:12:49 John Phillips V LAOC
5 1:15:06 Darren Robinson LAOC
6 1:15:44 Jeff Laun LAOC
7 1:20:59 Sue Dekany LAOC
8 1:48:15 Nicholas He LAOC
9 2:30:44 John Phillips IV LAOC
dnf Nikita Phillips LAOC
Orange (12) 2.0 km 50 m 7 C
1 42:02 Jonah Jankowski none
2 43:17 Troop 509 - Moore/Geiger none
3 1:00:24 Boran Jing none
4 1:19:27 James Lyle none
5 1:25:59 Troop 509 - Klapmust/Mil none
6 1:49:54 Team Cohen none
7 1:50:21 John Kuechle LAOC
8 2:15:24 Alexander He LAOC
dnf Cygnus Dekany LAOC
dnf Ryan Dekany LAOC
dnf Joseph He LAOC
dnf Abrianna Finks none
Yellow (10) 2.0 km 30 m 8 C
1 35:02 Madeline Ang (2nd) LAOC
1 35:02 Benhamin Ang (2nd) LAOC
3 37:11 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
4 37:40 Camille Bivens none
5 42:41 Ivan Dubon none
6 46:47 Richard Hoesly LAOC
7 1:06:51 Theresa Huang LAOC
8 1:08:47 No Directions Needed LAOC
9 1:12:36 Nancy Kuechle LAOC
10 1:24:52 Daniel Luna none
White (6) 1.3 km 25 m 6 C
1 21:20 Wayne Cottrell (2nd) none
2 25:42 Ryan Pattison Bennelong-Aus
3 39:12 Madeline Ang none
4 39:15 Benjamin Ang none
5 43:49 Katerina Biryukova none
6 1:28:08 Hoggs Hollow Preschool LAOC