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Santa Fe Dam, Feb 2022

Santa Fe Dam Recreational Area, Irwindale

Sunday, February 27, 2022

A new start location led to some different and technical courses at Santa Fe Dam. Orienteers were treated to rocky wash running followed by long sprints across open fields. The rocks took their toll as one participant suffered a twisted ankle. Many thanks to the orienteers who suspended or abandoned their courses to help out: William Lauper, John Phillips IV, and Sage Thompson. Also big thanks to the lifeguard crew from Santa Fe Dam for their help in retrieving the injured participant and providing first aid service.

Alex Kiperman took a commanding lead on the Red course with a time of just over an hour and Ron Sandvick of San Diego had a similarly impressive run on Green. The brown course had a tricky control that tripped up a number of folks, but Ivan Konov managed to come out on top. Davin Schneider took the honors on the hotly contested Orange course and Adam Reilly had an impressive run on a longer than usual Yellow course. Wayne Cottrell whizzed through White as a warm-up before running Red and newcomer Jarrett Sorbello had the best time of the beginners on the White course.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made this event possible:

Preregistration - Allan Pincus

Course Setter - Clare Durand

Control Hanging - Darren Robinson, Joe Vlietstra, Bruce Garbaccio

Registration - Jossalyn Emslie

Epunch - Rich Hoesly

Starts - Joe Vlietstra

Finish - Bruce Garbaccio, Joe Vlietstra, Allan Pincus

Control Pickup - Eldorado NJROTC, James Wofford

  Place      Time     Name                         Club              COOL

Red  (5)           6.7 km  0 m 13 C

      1   1:08:25     Alexander Kiperman           LAOC

      2   1:52:19     Sergey Biryukov              none

      3   1:58:59     Jacob Hook                   LAOC

      4   2:53:33     Wayne Cottrell (2nd)         LAOC

              dnf     Seth-Andy                    none

Green  (24)        4.8 km  0 m 12 C

      1   1:09:21     Ron Sandvick                 SDO

      2   1:15:45     James Wofford                LAOC              Troy

      3   1:16:47     Walker Maze                  LAOC              Chaparral

      4   1:17:54     Chris Ernst                  LAOC

      5   1:19:57     James Prunty                 LAOC              Eldorado

      6   1:27:27     Brad Weyers                  LAOC

      7   1:28:22     James Lauper                 LAOC              Chaparral

      8   1:33:17     Todd Hook                    LAOC

      9   1:35:54     Gene Mason                   none

     10   1:36:41     Bruce Garbaccio              LAOC

     11   1:42:49     Aaron Matheson               LAOC              Chaparral

     12   1:47:58     Eugene Kiperman              LAOC

     13   1:48:17     Lawrence Abelgas             LAOC              Chaparral

     14   1:51:13     Allan pincus                 LAOC

     15   1:55:41     Evan Lackey                  LAOC              Chaparral

     16   1:57:19     Sage Thompson                LAOC

     17   2:14:00     Nikita Phillips              LAOC              Troop 97

     18   2:27:02     Lorenzo Rossi                LAOC

     19   2:37:06     Jason Spears                 LAOC              Chaparral

     20   2:46:11     William Gilmore              LAOC              Chaparral

     21   2:51:29     John Phillips                LAOC

     22   2:58:19     Egor Lebedev                 LAOC              Chaparral

              dnf     William Lauper               LAOC

              dnf     Jossalyn Emslie              LAOC

Brown  (10)        4.0 km  0 m 10 C

      1   1:05:03     Ivan Konov                   none

      2   1:40:17     Patricia Eliason             LAOC

      3   1:56:35     Anjhela Coloma               LAOC              Chaparral

      4   2:12:16     Isabella Dominguez           LAOC              Eldorado

      5   2:47:13     Kathryn Perez                LAOC              Eldorado

              dnf     Mikhail Biryukov             LAOC

              dnf     Lilly Peterson               LAOC              Chaparral

              dnf     John Myers                   none

              dnf     Sirawanee Saraphoka          LAOC              Chaparral

              dnf     Noelani Lopez                LAOC              Eldorado

Orange  (26)       3.9 km  0 m 10 C

      1     46:52     Davin Schneider              LAOC              Eldorado

      2     49:11     John Kuechle                 LAOC

      3     49:24     Coffee & Hot Chocolate       LAOC

      4     52:16     Joshua Garrett               LAOC              Chaparral

      5     57:13     Zhenzhong Yuan               LAOC              Troy

      6     57:40     Alvey Coloma                 LAOC              Chaparral

      7     58:37     Vienna Smith Murillo         none

      8   1:01:50     Sofia Bennett                LAOC              Chaparral

      9   1:01:55     Team JubiTube                LAOC

     10   1:05:26     Richard Hoesly               LAOC

     11   1:06:55     Alex He                      LAOC              CS Arts

     12   1:17:44     Team disoriented             none

     13   1:22:35     Team Hart                    none

     14   1:27:03     Kevin Yuan                   LAOC              Troy

     15   1:29:40     Sharon and Joseph            LAOC

     16   1:30:26     Squirrely Squirrels          none

     17   1:32:58     Gino Duarte                  LAOC              Eldorado

     18   1:37:18     Andy Garcia                  LAOC              Eldorado

     19   1:38:20     Marcia Castillo              LAOC              Eldorado

     20   1:43:08     Esperanza Rojas              LAOC              Eldorado

     21   1:43:11     Brian Jing                   none

     22   1:45:49     Bruce Crabtree               none

     23   1:55:16     Michael Li                   none

     24   2:14:16     Totchos !                    none

     25   2:14:24     John Grieshaber              LAOC

              dnf     IxChel Cruz-Gonzalez         none

Yellow  (20)       4.1 km  0 m 10 C

      1     34:25     Adam Reilly                  none

      2     46:27     Anthony Rivera               LAOC              Eldorado

      3     49:23     Jennifer Sorbello            none

      4     52:08     Anthony Bolanos              LAOC              Chaparral

      5     52:28     Samantha Hook                LAOC

      6     54:06     Jarrett Sorbello (2nd)       LAOC

      7     54:43     Kenji Oda                    LAOC              Chaparral

      8     55:00     Karen Murphy                 LAOC

      9     55:15     Alexa Carrillo               LAOC              Eldorado

     10     56:51     Franky Garcia                LAOC              Chaparral

     11     57:34     Katrina Salcedo              LAOC              Eldorado

     12   1:01:23     Team Bond                    none

     13   1:09:01     Katerina Biryukova           none

     14   1:09:43     David Mirman                 LAOC

     15   1:11:58     Team Allan                   LAOC              Chaparral

     16   1:13:19     Jakobsen Team                none

     17   1:14:27     Crabby Cakes                 none

     18   1:31:06     Shilohtown!                  LAOC

     19   1:41:00     Red Fred in the Shed         none

     20   1:50:00     Karolina Jimenez-Gonzalez    LAOC              Chaparral

White  (12)        3.0 km  0 m 11 C

      1     19:16     Wayne Cottrel                none

      2     33:29     Jarrett Sorbello             none

      3     37:13     Jenifer Nielson              none

      4     44:46     Jeremy & Robert              none

      5     49:30     Gabriel Baum-Lopez           none

      6   1:13:24     William K. Reilly            none

      7   1:18:08     Familia Loeza                none

      8   1:18:16     Team Mewtwo                  LAOC

      9   1:18:27     The Orientears               none

     10   1:40:29     Intrepid                     none

     11   1:49:22     Landon Wilson                LAOC              Chaparral

              dnf     Ni Family                    none

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